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An update about See Jane Dig! launch week is most certainly in order, so here’s a quick recap:

  • The publisher reports that almost 5,000 books in the series (most of them for See Jane Dig!) were sold.
  • At its height, its Amazon rank reached #2 in Cozy Mysteries, #2 in Amateur Sleuths, and #4 in Women Sleuths. Way to go, Jane!
  • So far the book has received thirteen 5 star rankings and one 4 star ranking.
  • Seven reviews have been written and posted so far. Special thanks to those who have posted reviews. They are so valuable as many potential buyers read them before making a purchase. You can post a review any time. After a book gathers 50 reviews, Amazon increases its promotional efforts.

Now on to See Jane Dig! fun on the docket for this fall:

  • Chocolaterie Stam in Ames (230 Main St, Ames, IA) is once again hosting Jane’s book launch party. It will be held on Saturday, November 2 from 10:30 AM until noon. There will be a book signing, a reading of the first chapter, free chocolate, door prizes, a gift basket silent auction, live music, and The Stam may be hosting a wine tasting that morning. How fun is that? It would be great to see you there.
  • Twin Cities friends, mark your calendars for November 16. I’ll be one of four mystery authors participating in a book signing at the Once Upon a Crime Bookstore (604 W. 26th Street Minneapolis, MN 55405) from noon until 2 PM. My sister lives in the area and will be attending, so you can meet her too!

One more thing that’s not really an update about See Jane Dig! launch week, though it did happen during launch week.

Drum roll please,,,,

The first draft of the next book in the series, See Jane Ride! is done. Can you hear me shouting wahoo? That’s because finishing a first draft means this author has her life back.

But wait! There’s more…

The cover for See Jane Ride! is finalized, and I’m in love with it. That’s all the excitement I can stand in one blog post, but stay tuned as the cover will be revealed in an upcoming post very soon!