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Why I Need the Man of Steel

Why I Need the Man of Steel

Hiram & Jolene '11I called Mom from Kohl’s last Wednesday. “I’ll be there in about 15 minutes, ” I said. “As soon as the battery in my watch is replaced.”

“My watch needs a new battery, too,” she said.

Why hadn’t she told me that yesterday when I called to ask her if she needed anything.

I bit my tongue, and replied, “That’s too bad. See you soon.”

15 minutes later, I greeted her as promised, “Hi, Mom!”

“Where are my clothes?” she demanded.

“What clothes?” I said, surprised.

“My clothes are too hot. I’m roasting,” she said motioning to the heavy turtleneck sweater she was wearing. “I need some cool tops and some summer nighties.”

So a couple hours later, after a few rousing games of Uno (we each one a game), after a trip to Saylorville Lake to watch boats going into the water on this first warm day of spring, and after supper at Applebees, I returned her to her digs. Her watch in hand, I headed to Kohl’s once again.

The shopping trip was successful–3 new shirts and 2 new nighties, all of which fit her–but the watch was toast. Mom accepted the death of her watch with resignation, and before leaving, I tucked her, clad in her new nightie, into bed (at 7 PM).

Once I was home, I related the afternoon and evenings activities to the Man of Steel. “Her room really was stuffy,” I ended.

The Man of Steel nodded his head. “Did you turn down the thermostat in her room?”


“Ah, no.”

We both laughed.

And that, dear readers, is just one of the many reasons I need the Man of Steel. The name of this particular reason?

Common sense.