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#7 Epic Successes at Home Again

by Jolene Philo & Anne Fleck | Home Again


We’re proud of our epic successes and want to share them with you. So here are pictures of photographable successes in the order they were mentioned during the podcast.

Living Room Remodel: Note Jolene’s technique while sweeping the floor in a wheelchair. Decorative window treatments and wall art are in the works. And the furniture will be rearranged once the wheelchair is no longer needed.

Soundproofed Laundry Chute: Foam insulation and double-sided tape did the trick!

Patio Fence: Created by Hiram with harvested posts and boards from the fence around the former horse pasture.

Garden Fence: The posts are in and ready for next spring’s fish line fence that’s supposed to keep the deer out. Click on Fish Line Fence to learn more about them. Yes, Tad is wearing Spider-man rain boots!

Anne’s Sewing Center: It’s a repurposed computer armoire she moved out of the main living area recently as her sewing and costume box business is taking off.

Worms Be Gone: Hiram’s simple caulking fix did the trick. Anne and her family quickly bid the worms, spiders, and bugs eager to share their living room a relieved farewell.