#6 Freezer Burn
Goodies from the Something Old, New, Borrowed, Blue Feature
Right: Old spatula inherited from Jolene’s mom that we love.
Left: Anne’s Singer Featherweight sewing machine.
Recipe for Thai Coconut Shrimp Soup
Iowa’s electronic library, Bridges/Overdrive

Three little freezers all in a row. We call them chest freezer, tall freezer, and short freezer. You can enter the contest to name them by leaving name suggestions in the comment box below. The winner will receive a yet-to-be-determined prize that is neither Jolene’s favorite spatula or Anne’s sewing machine.

R: The inside of the tall freezer that shows frozen meals stacked on shelves and hard-to-stack items in the door shelves.
L: The dividers and baskets in the new chest freezer. Don’t they make your heart go pitter-pat?

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