#21 A Day in Our Intergenerational Lives
We’ve been so busy with garden work and chasing kids that we forgot to take day-in-the-life pictures. But here’s a favorite of Papoo and his “helper” Tad doing dishes after supper.

As promised, here is Tad’s top ten naptime song list:
- I Love You Thaddeus sung to the tune of I Love You Conrad from Bye Bye Birdie.
- The ABCs
- Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
- Baa, Baa Black Sheep (#2-4 have the same melody, which increases sleepiness and decreases excitement.)
- Frère Jacques
- Skiddle De Rinky Dinky Dink
- White Coral Bells
- Jesus Loves Me
- Amazing Grace
- Mary Had a Little Lamb
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