#17 Surviving a Newborn
Anne’s top baby product is a baby carrier sling wrap. It was in constant use when Tad was little as he insisted in being held at all times. Lewella is better at sleeping in her basinette, but the wrap comes in handy when Anne wants to do chores around the house. And once the weather warms up, it will be great for walks.

Jolene’s favorite baby product is a handheld baby food grinder. She used a grinder similar to the one pictured to the right (but a 1982 model) to grind her son’s food for 4 years because of esophageal issues. Whatever she fixed for supper went through the grinder, and he ate it all!

Anne mentioned their robot vacuum which they run daily to stay ahead of dust and dog hair without any extra work on their part.
We also suggested that family and friends offer specific ways to help. This post by the mom of a baby with special needs is full of ideas about what new parents need.

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