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Warm fuzzies, inclusion at its best, and Heinz pickles in this week's 3 thoughts.Yesterday marked my return from Holland, Michigan after attending the Summer Institute on Theology and Disability hosted by Hope College and the Western Theological Seminary. The conference was very cerebral, very academic, and the opposite of this week’s 3 thoughts.

  1. What resulted in the most warm fuzzies during the trip? Seeing all three grandkids. Their hugs. Their smiles. The best.
  2. What brought me to tears at the conference? Hearing about the deep relationships forged at the Friendship House between seminarians and their roommates with intellectual disabilities. And hearing that the concept is being duplicated at Vanderbilt, Duke, and elsewhere!
  3. What was most surprising? Taking a morning walk with a friend along the lakefront and wondering why the air along the boardwalk had a vinegary tang. Until the boardwalk ended at the Heinz Pickle Factory.

What have you been thinking about this week? Leave a comment.