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Top 10 Reasons to Walk and Not Run

Top 10 Reasons to Walk and Not Run

Walk Instead of Run

10.  Since childhood, my sympathies have been with the tortoise and not the hare. And who won that race?

9.   Running hurts.

8.  Being naturally sensitive to the emotions of others, I wouldn’t want to start running and be so exceptionally fast that I left everyone else eating my dust. I just don’t want to be that kind of person.

7.  Running hurts.

6.  If I ran instead of walking, I wouldn’t have enough time to think through the day and then listen to audio books. What good is life without story time every day?

5.  Running hurts.

4.  Running makes a person sweat. Sweating is gross. If A equals B and B equals C, that means running is gross.

3.  Running hurts.

2.  I’m committed to water conservation practices. Sweaty runners take extra showers, and I just can’t go there.

1.   Running hurts, and life is way too short for self-inflicted pain.

Those of you who prefer walking to running, now it your chance to be heard. Leave a comment about why you walk instead of run.

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