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Is There a Writer in the House?

Is There a Writer in the House?

Our house was filled with 3 writers, 1 Man of Steel, and a baby for 2 1/2 weeks. Only 1 writer remains and she feels at home in a big, lonely house.This house almost always has 1 writer in the house. But for about 2 1/2 weeks, while our daughter and her family were here while the Man of Steel and Woman of Aluminum recovered, the writer population around here swelled to 3.

A Philo Phamily writers’ colony right here on the pharm.

As the days went by, the kitchen island sprouted notebooks and pens, the living room resounded with keyboard tapping, the voice of a young author reading her manuscript to the Man of Steel as he recuperated and the Man of Steel laughing at all the right places emanated from sick bay, the excited voices of mother and daughter discussing plot points for new novels tumbled over one another, and young parents sat together talking about how to better develop characters for an audio play.

Think of it as Little Women for the new millennium.

With fewer girls, more mature women, and a couple handsome men. Also a baby whose presence pulled the house’s inhabitants down from the rarefied air of art for art’s sake to fold diapers, change diapers, and play peek-a-boo. And the handsome man who’s a non-writer begging the authors to finish their next manuscripts because he can hardly wait to hear what happens next.

Heady stuff, as you can imagine.

Yesterday, the 2 young writers took their baby home to a neighboring state. Today, the Man of Steel is recovered and back to work. The 1 remaining writer was sad to see them go and good-bye. But as is the way of writers, she was not sad to say hello to an empty house. Because she knows the words inside her head require external silence and time to labor alone if they are ever to come alive on paper. If they are ever to be read by another author and revised. So their timing is perfect enough to make the Man of Steel’s laughter ring out–music to a writer’s ears–when he reads the next manuscript and begs for a new one.

Yes, there’s a writer in this lonely house. And she feels right at home.

Top Ten Lessons Learned from a 2-Year-Old

Top Ten Lessons Learned from a 2-Year-Old

boy-695825_1280Last week’s post listed several lessons the Man of Steel and I learned during recent visits with our two youngest grandbabies, ages 5 months and 8 months. This week’s post is all about what we learned during those visits from our 2-year-old grandson who turns 3 in a few weeks.

10. Grandparents who want to buy a brand new car can rationalize the purchase because of the LATCH child seat feature. It’s all about keeping the little ones safe.

9.  Ladders are the most important thing.

8.  Grandparents can achieve rock star status by taking a 2-year-old to Home Depot and hanging out in the tool aisle.

7.  While hanging out in the tool aisle, a 2-year-old can teach his grandmother to recognize ball peen, roofing, and tack hammers, as well as explain how they are used.

6. Every moment is a teachable moment.

5. The outdoors in an amazing classroom.

4.  The sweetest thing in the world is holding a small child’s hand.

3.  Intergenerational relationships are a precious treasure.

2.  Each smile from a 2-year-old is a reason for celebration and great joy.

1. Saying good-bye to a 2-year-old grandchild is like resurrection. The next time you meet, the relationship you’ve developed will come alive again.

What have you learned from your grandchildren? Leave a comment.

Party Time at Camp Dorothy

Party Time at Camp Dorothy

family, birthday, Camp Dorothy, grandmaHey-ho, Camp Dorothy fans. This is your friendly camp activities director here with the promised update about the camp namesake’s 87th birthday party. First off, the camp activities director wants to give credit where credit is due. So readers should know that the birthday bash was not the brainchild of the camp activities director. Rather, the event was planned and executed to perfection by the camp director’s older sister.

Speaking of older sisters, the above photo catches older sister Dorothy and her younger sister Donna in a rare display of affection. As in they are actually touching. Only a side hug, to be sure, but still a big deal because we are not a family to engage willy-nilly in any sort of touchy-feelyness.

So the photo is quite a coup. Though the photographer had plenty of time to prepare for taking the picture. Because the sisters, one with her walker and the other on the arm of her nephew, evoked memories of Tim Conway’ Little Old Man routine as they moved into side hug range.

The camp director digresses. Back to the party, held on Labor Day Sunday, which was a rousing success. 30 people, including the camp’s namesake, four generations of family, and several friends, were in attendance. The birthday girl was the oldest party goer at age 87. The youngest was her great-grandson 5 months of age. She enjoyed an afternoon filled with conversation and, as far as the camp director could see, never stopped smiling.

Once the party was over much of the crowd–including Camp Dorothy’s namesake–went to her son and daughter-in-law’s house for supper. The birthday girl made a beeline for her favorite chair at their house, sat down, and made full use of her “queen for the day” status, expecting her children and grandchildren to wait on her hand and foot. Though we drew the line at cutting her toenails.

Queen Dorothy was worn out when her daughters took her to Vintage Hills and tucked her in bed for the night. The next morning she was smiling and ready to go when her oldest daughter picked her up for breakfast at her son and daughter-in-law’s house. She stayed through lunch, playing countless games of Uno and several rousing rounds of Catch Phrase.

Finally, smiling and sleepy, she called it a day. The camp director visited her a couple days later and found her still smiling. Then the camp director pulled out a package of thank you cards and announced it was time to get to work. Another Camp Dorothy update will be forthcoming when the cards are done, and she starts smiling again. Don’t hold your breathe. It could be a while.

Top Ten Things to Love about Growing Up in the 1960s

Top Ten Things to Love about Growing Up in the 1960s

Parade-Hoey-StrattonI am a child of the 1960s. Not the hippie, flowerchild variety. But an actual my-elementary-school-years-spanned-the-decade variety. Thinking back on those years, here are 10 things that made those great years to be a kid.

10. Year after year, food manufacturers created amazing, space-age convenience foods like Tang, Pringles, Tab, and Dream Whip.

9.  Walt Disney on Sunday nights. American kids were sure Uncle Walt was talking directly to them when he introduced The Walt Disney Show every Sunday evening.

8. NASA’s space program was a wonder to behold. I was in kindergarten or first grade when John Glenn orbited. By junior high, men were walking on the moon.

7. In the 1960s, the whole town showed up for high school basketball and football games, music concerts, and school plays. Without the distraction of cell phones, iPods, and tablets, the audience’s entire attention was focused on the kids.

6. A nickel bought a big candy bar. A quarter bought a bagful.

5. All the kids in the neighborhood gathered on summer evenings to pay Kick the Can until porch lights came on–the signal that it was time to go home.

4. Summer slumber parties in the backyard. The thought of child abductions or other dangers never crossed our minds. Or our parents’.

3. Weddings. The most glamorous wedding was my ballet teacher’s because her bridesmaids wore gold lame gowns. But the most fun weddings were when my older cousins got married and our parents were so busy talking that we younger cousins could gorge on cake, mints, and nuts to our hearts’ content.

2. Real letters from friends and family in the mail. Long ones. Several times a week.

1. Living within 90 miles of all of Mom’s family and within 150 miles of Dad’s and knowing I belonged to something bigger than me, bigger than the people who lived in our house, something big enough to keep all of us safe.

Did you grow up in the 1960s? What did you love about being a kid in that decade? And be sure to stop by next week for a look at what wasn’t so great about growing up during those years.


Write, Jane, Write!

Write, Jane, Write!

Harding County milesProgress has continued on my mystery novel set in the wilds of northwest South Dakota since the last Gravel Road update about Jane and her excellent adventures. Of course, every good mystery novel is replete with twists and turns, and this one is no exception. What are the latest twists and turns?

The first is this.

My agent, a wonderful woman and mom to 3 lovely little girls, had planned to read it on vacation. But because that vacation included entertaining 3 lovely little girls, so she didn’t have time to read anything. Which turned out to be a good thing.

Because of the second twist.

My daughter did read the book and returned it with the most marvelous feedback. Feedback that, if implemented, will improve the novel immensely. Feedback that shows she could be a professional editor…and as a literature major she has the credentials. So if you’re looking to hire someone to shape up your manuscript, just let me know. But I digress.

Back to the second twist.

The feedback was so good, I emailed my agent and said, “If you haven’t read the book yet, don’t. Wait for the next draft which will incorporate the feedback from my daughter.”

On to the third twist.

My daughter’s feedback is as unique as she is, consisting as it does of items like the following:

  • Beef up the scene at the dump
  • Start the butterfly thing earlier
  • Get out of Jane’s head and into dialogue more often
  • Make the bad guy seem gooder (yes, I know that’s not a word) early on

And so on. My goal is to have this revision done by the last week of August when my daughter and her family come for a visit. So I can entertain the baby while she reads through it. Obviously a doubly self-serving goal, but worthwhile none the less.

Which leads to the fourth and final twist.

When I am deep into revision zone, my little inner voice pipes up every now and then with its favorite public service announcement:

Stop playing around and get back to work.

I stop and feel guilty for a moment until the realization dawns on me.

This is my work.

And I keep writing.